Glossary Notes and Examples
Consolidated field names that occur in multiple tables into a 'global' glossary.
Those field names are marked as [Various Tables].
(Did not use [All Tables] because not sure if that is accurate - is it?)
They also still appear in the glossary for the table (as tablename.fieldname) but only appear once alphabetically in the glossary. They are marked as [Various tables]
For example CreateDate [Various Tables]Date record was created. Informational is in the glossary. This term style will not match any content written as CreateDate, but will be available for a search and in the alphabetically listing of the glossary.
Also included in the global glossary is the term -- Multidimensional pipe delimited valueMethod which allows entry of multiple values in a field. Values are separated by the pipe character -- | In addition a leading, or starting, and trailing, or ending pipe is required. For example the string |A|B|C|D| provides the values A, B, C and D to the system..
This term is in the glossary so we can provide a more extensive explanation of how to use it.
The term FO_LabInfo.epi_billto_options will be in the content and display as a glossary term.
When a reader either uses search or simply looks in the glossary, they will be able to find the term alphabetically as either just epi_billto_options or FO_LabInfo.epi_billto_options.